How To Find A Provider For An ADHD Evaluation
The ADHD evaluation process can be daunting.
It might feel overwhelming, so you’ve been putting it off because you don’t know where to start. That’s okay. Many parents are in the same position you’re in. I’m here to help walk you through the process.
Who should I go to for an ADHD evaluation?
Pediatrician: I recommend starting with your pediatrician. Pediatricians often will have parents and teachers complete brief measures and refer to a psychologist if needed.
Psychologist: Some insurance providers require a psychological evaluation for an ADHD diagnosis. An ADHD diagnosis may require a more comprehensive evaluation by a psychologist in order to rule out other complications.
Psychiatrist: Psychiatrists can also provide an ADHD diagnosis.
What questions should I ask a potential provider about with their ADHD evaluation?
What is your approach to the evaluation?
Do you gather information from parents and teachers? Note: For kids, it is very important to have information from the school.
How long will the evaluation take?
Will I receive a copy of the report?
Do you provide recommendations in the report?
Every evaluator conducts an evaluation differently. It is important for providers to consider various diagnoses, comorbid conditions, and to gather information from a variety of sources (e.g., parents, teachers) or methods (e.g., interviews, rating scales).
I hope this information is helpful for you in understanding the process and some questions you can ask providers before an evaluation.